Thursday, August 12, 2021

To Females I've Known

If you're reading this I figure that you're either just curious, or this is actually addressed to you and there's something left unresolved between us important enough that you're here.

To any of my exes: if I met you in person today, I hope I'd retain enough composure to express the following thoughts, in roughly this order:

1) Hi! Well, this is awkward. 

2) I hope that you're well.

3) I know that things didn't end well and that the way I acted hurt you. I would have hurt anyone I was with at the time we were together. I was carrying a lot of pain and anger at the time and my behavior was my means of coping with it. Still, I chose my behavior and I take responsibility for everything I've done. If you haven't already, forgive me.

4) I don't want to make any more of this about me. If you have anything you want to say to me, I'll listen. 

To anyone who was interested, threw out hints that I didn't respond to, I apologize. It's quite possible I was attracted to you but I couldn't believe you were interested in me that way. It's taken me a long time to become comfortable with who I am.

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