is the topic of this particular post. I imagine everyone has a general idea of what it means. I'll summarize it how I see it displayed most often nowadays, and I expect that most people will agree: it is the feeling that some individual or group is somehow inferior to themselves in some horrific way. The unwritten part of that definition is this inferiority makes it morally viable to impose on the personal rights of that inferior individual/group.
The Wikipedia entry for the concept suggests that contempt can serve a useful purpose in a moral society. This might be true, but the problem is that we no longer live in a moral society. The rise of secular humanism has resulted in morality becoming the result of an ideology. And ideologies are driven by opinions, not facts. While contempt has always been a part of this culture, it has never been displayed as openly as it is currently in how some are imposing of the rights of others based solely on ideology. This does not bode well for the future.